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Mechanical stimulation

On top of the electrical stimulation, mechanical stimulation is to provide an additional sensory load to bring the test subject to a higher sexual arousal. Mechanical stimulation alone without being associated to electrical stimulation does not allow reaching an orgasm with the current stimulation devices.

Cutaneous receptors

Mechanical stimulation is meant to produce various stimuli via so called cutaneous receptors. A cutaneous receptor is the type of sensory receptor found in the skin (the dermis or epidermis). They are a part of the somatosensory system. Cutaneous receptors include mechanoreceptors (pressure, vibration, touch or distortion), nociceptors (pain), and thermoreceptors (temperature). Receptors are biological transducers that convert energy from both external and internal environments into electrical impulses. Receptors are connected to the central nervous system by afferent nerve fibers.



Properties of cutaneous receptors
Map of cutaneous receptors

The noctorgasm experiment is aiming at stimulating as many different types of receptors as possible to create a so called 'sensory overload' which has proven to bring the testsubject to orgasm in a faster and more reliable/reproducible way.


Below features are currently used to produce mechanical stimulation:


  • Sex vibrastim (vibrator over genitals)

  • Ass vibrastim (vibrator between buttocks)

  • Nipples stimulation (rotating brushes over nipples)

  • Anal pressure (inflatable anal plug)


Planned future stimulation features

  • Thermal stimulation (heating and cooling system over genitals)

  • Nipples suction (vacuum induction in nipples cups)



Sex and Ass vibrastim allows to control two strong vibrators fixed on the vaginal and anal area. It is wise to apply high power only in the end of a stimulation phase in order to trigger an orgasm.  Continuous mode allows to keep the vibrator ON all the time.


Nipples stim


Nipples stimulation allows to control a vibrator located on each nipple


Anal pressure regulation


The Anal pressure regulation mode allows to inflate the anal plug and maintain it to a constant pressure disregarding the anal contractions and anal relaxation of the testsubject. This mode allows to hear monitoring beeps every time the plug is inflated (when testsubject is relaxing) and when the plug is deflated (when testsubject is contracting). This mode keeps the subject under a constant tension and therefore is not used when the subject is sleeping.


When a constant pressure is applied via the inflated plug, the anal walls will slowly dilate if the subejct is relaxed and therefore the system will regulate the pressure to the preset level by inflating the plug. A high-pitch sound is produced each time the plug is inflated.


If the subject is tensed or under high arousal, the anal walls will be contracted and therefore the system will deflate the plug to restore the pressure to the preset level. A low-pitch sound is produced each time the the plug is deflated.


The Hold for monitoring option will stop inflating or deflating the plug while checked so that the controller can focus on examining the the anal pressure fluctuation curve.


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