Electrical stimulation
A special care has been given to find the best spots on the body in order along with precise electrical settings such as voltage, frequency and specific wave forms allowing to generate a large range of unique and incredibly pleasurable sensations
Signal generator diagram
Electrodes positioning
There are 6 different electrodes located as illustrated below. Pictures of the electrodes are provided in this page.
Electrodes wiring
Below illustration shows how electrodes are connected to the output channels of the audio amplifier via 4 transformers (TRA1, TRA2, TRB1, TRB2). Note that transformers are mounted in phase opposition allowing to double the voltage and also provide 3 connection points per channel. When shunt switch SW1 is ON (closed), both channels are connected together creating a sort of triphase configuration that we will call StarPHASE since the electric simplification diagram is looking as a star.
Of course there are plenty other possible configurations of electrodes wiring which may also produce good results. This particular configuration has been chosen after successful tests and considering a balanced distribution of the surface of the electrodes over all outputs. Ideally the system should provide the possibility to change the electrodes wiring via the software interface. This feature is not yet implemented but it can be manually changed on demand in case some experimenter would like to modify it and put it at test.
Above tables shows an example of the voltage difference between all electrodes depending whether Shunt Switch is ON or OFF.
It is currently not possible to set the state of the shunt switch (SW1) from the software. The switch state has to be set manually on the system. When SW1 is ON (closed state), the system behaves in StarPHASE electrodes configuration and overall U diff between electrodes is about double the configuration with SW1 set to OFF (open state) .
Voltage control
Voltage indicator in % on both channels. Max 100%
OFF button to instantly set the voltage to 0 on both channels
Fast decrease button to reduce voltage by 5% (disabled in sleep mode)
Slow decrease button to reduce voltage by 5%
Pause button to stop instantly any increase or decrease of the voltage
Slow increase button to slowly increase voltage by 5%
Fast increase button to quickly increase the voltage by 5% (disabled in sleep mode)
Electrical treatments
Selection of the electrical treatment. The drop down list allows selecting a predefined combination of wave forms and frequencies called 'electro treatments'. Using predefined combinations allows reproducibility of the same settings from one session to another. When changing treatments, the voltage will be automatically decreased and gradually increased again to avoid any shocks.
Fast decrease of the beat frequency (disabled in sleep mode)
Slow decrease of the beat frequency
Pause button to stop at current beat frequency
Slow increase of the beat frequency
Fast increase of the beat frequency (disbaled in sleep mode)
Indication of the current frequency for each channel
Manual selection of the wave forms. When changing wave forms, the voltage will be automatically decreased and gradually increased again to avoid any shocks.
NOTE: The list of treatments can be easily modified if need be by editing a text file on request of the experimenter.
About the Beat Frequency
Beat frequency occurs when two waves with different frequencies overlap, causing a cycle of alternating constructive and destructive interference between waves. The beat frequency is the absolute value of the difference between the two frequencies. This resulting beat frequency is perceived as a third frequency and the effect is very significant with the settings of the particular experiment.
Based on several experiments, a beat frequency of around 13Hz seems to be the most successful in triggering an orgasm, although applying different beat frequencies prior setting it to this value seems to be contributing to the arousal.
At high voltages and depending on the wave form settings, buttocks muscles start to contract at the speed of the beat frequency, the muscle contractions can become visible when the beat frequency is sufficiently low to allow muscles to contract and relax.
There are 9 different available waveforms for each channel and some of them are exclusive to TechnoSTIM:
List of waveforms and associated codes:
Sin : Sinus
Tri : Triangle
Sqr : Square
Saw : SawTooth
T01 : SinCut
T02 : TwinSin
T03 : W-wave
T04 : Slopes
T05 : Jump
T07 : HarmonX
T08 : Diamonds
T09 : SawSine
T11 : DiamondX
T12 : PainWave
Each and every waveform produces different and unique sensations which are difficult to describe but to give an approximate flavor, these may range from tickling, massaging, tingling, burning, sawing, cutting, drilling, spanking, anesthesia, caresses, etc... Since we can combine any given waveform on one channel with any other waveform on the other channel, the stimulation possibilities are almost endless. Also inverting waveforms over the 2 channels will not produce the same sensations. For example, the 2 below listed combinations will not produce the same sensations:
Channel A: Sinus + Channel B: Triangle
Channel A: Triangle + Channel B: Sinus
Such an inversion as above may even induce indescribable, powerful sensations, that we can name as 'nerves de-habituation'.
While sporadic 'nerves de-habituation' can definitely increase the arousal of the test subject in the course of a session, it is not wise to apply it at very high voltage while trying to push the subject to orgasm at the end of a session.
Electro-conductive injection
The purpose of conductive liquid injections is to enhance the effect of electrical stimulation over the genital area creating strong sensations notably when voltage is relatively high. When starting the conductive injection, a small volume of highly conductive liquid will be injected into the sexcup via a dosing pump. In order to avoid very sudden painful effect, the voltage will be decreased automatically and gradually increased again immediately after the injection is starting.
1) Remaining liquid gauge indicator
2) Duration of the injection (10s or 20s)
WaveFlip <-> button allows to invert the waveform between channel A and B as shown below. Used sporadically, it is generating strong intense sensations due to nerves de-habituation.
InjectronX (electrical injection)
InjectronX is another special treatment aiming at producing a special mix of fear & arousal, pain & pleasure to the TestSubject.
Types of injections:
AnaestX : injection of high harmonic (#10)
StimulX : injection of medium harmonic (#6)
PaintronX : injection of low harmonic (#4)
StormX: injection of low odd harmonic (#3)
TorturX : injection of very low harmonic (#2)
Fast injection allows a full injection in about 10s (to be used carefully). When disabled, the injection duration is lasting about 25s. This option is disabled in Sleep mode.